How To Get Out Of Troubles In Life – How To Stay Out Of Troubles In Life

Never trust junkies or other drug addicts or drug users and alcoholics


– there is NO easy drug induced way to God

– LOVE is the only key to God.

Junkies try to ESCAPE their karma and lessons and work instead of FACING ALL like real men and fix what needs to be fixed or dissolved in LOVE.

Eventually a junky may betray or even SELL their own woman or children or best friends or country or anyone else just for another shot.

Drugs and alcohol of ALL and ANY kind make weak:

too weak to be trustworthy

too weak to be willing to die for God

too weak to stand up for the truth even at the risk of being killed

too weak to work until job done as perfect as can be at any time in life

too weak to be a pillar or stronghold of human society in peril

too weak to be counted on when helpers or rescuers needed in times of distress or disaster

Junkies and other addicts will do just anything to get some more life force: lie, betray, make empty promises and much more to gain your trust.

Trust however needs to be gained by actions over thousands of years – some have many past trustworthy incarnations serving God, others have NONE at all and still all work to be done in the future.

ALL have one final option: to ask God for mercy when the end of their life has come.

ALL can do one final love prayer “Dear God, please love me free”

Never trust humans in easy jobs, office or administration jobs or government jobs


All those who chose easy life, easy money jobs, easy work are lazy=stingy and weak; too weak to be trustworthy, able to perform truly important work when you REALLY need someone with helping hands or helping mind in life or during your work FOR GOD.


If ever you need helpers, choose among hard working ones, who CARE, like medical care, rescue teams, humanitarian workers, farmers, construction workers and the likes. Chose among those who were moving thousands of metric tons. walking any distance, working any job, dirty, dangerous or hard, to serve mankind’s most BASIC NEEDS.

those feeding mankind

those caring for all

those providing water and shelter for others

those having given their life to God and God’s cause to bring ALL home

STAY out of legal battles,

stay out of politics

stay out of business

all such is for ego only

God is Love

= no legal stuff

= no domination of others

= no profits at expense of others

Just love and loving work for ALL, for the mutual benefit of ALL creation humans and OTHER beings, including nature.

Stay within your own limits

– always do all the important work by yourself

– always have all your important work and tools with you, on your body or in your travel bag

– always be in full control of all important work and steps

– always pay in advance any service needed to accomplish all your task or true value

– always communicate with God above all

– always keep your intuition CLEAN and CLEAR no matter what efforts needed

– always accept full eternal responsibility for all your work=NO Inc. Ltd, NO GmbH. NO private Ltd, etc – just a one person or one family work with full responsibility and full liability

Finally, the only one single human person you may trust when it really counts is YOU, if YOU know that you have expanded your own limits beyond human limits.

That trust in yourself only is possible

if you KNOW from real life experience in THIS lifetime: that you can kick butt to yourself to achieve whatever needs to be done and if you have done exceptional physical work; that you can walk whatever distance needed on your own feet; that you can do with your own skills whatever is important to achieve success.

If YOU know that your connection with God is clean and pure and active all times.

If YOU know that you are willing to do whatever it takes to protect God’s creation, including to die for God, to give ALL for God, to love God above all.

Keep ALL your life and work simple and easy to control, easy to adjust, easy and instantly to correct if you drift from goal.

Be ready to lose all to regain freedom to do the right thing making others and your own heart and soul happy.

Always listen to your heart

If it feels bad, it IS bad,

If it feels wrong, it IS wrong.

Stay away from any extremism,

stay away from any fanaticism.

Stay away from power positions,

stay away from wealth,

just have enough with you for your God and Love oriented work

your true and lasting values always need to be INSIDE your heart and soul untouchable by others.

The path of love is in the golden path in the middle – a path ALL can go with peaceful mind, with loving heart and a happy soul.

Stay away from any kind of recreational games that create winners or losers. The path of love only creates winners.

Learn and practice spiritual communication. Spiritual communication only works between you and God and later between you and sincerely loving ones.

In spiritual communication

– NO spying possible

– NO hacking possible

– NO censorship possible

– NO manipulation nor interference by OTHERS possible

Spiritual communication is blessed by God.

Always pray to God only and only accept help from God or truly God sent ones.

Never criminalize NOR legalize wrong doing, never fight nor support nor suppress wrong doing, keep loving all and stay out of other people’s life and experiences unless asked to help

Remind people of the RIGHT path, without condemning their wrong actions, to give people a chance for change ALL by themselves.

Changes to the good never can be imposed nor enforced

peace never can be enforced

love never can be enforced

it all has to mature from within each and every being,

human, animal and other beings alike.

To be of eternally lasting nature, all changes need to come from WITHIN each and every being.

For many this may take Billions of human years


compared to eternal freedom in God’s world of love

even Trillions of years may lastly feel but like one short nightmare

resulting in most loving beings

made to the image of God

made to love

made of love

to love all

to forgive all

to reconcile with all

to be ONE family of love WITH ALL for all eternity

with ONE home

our true and only home in God.

God never judges.

God never condemns.

God only loves.

God always gives

freedom to experience,

freedom to feel,

freedom to correct when it feels wrong,

freedom to forgive self

freedom to completely change within a single moment in eternal time.

Hence, the very moment a person has changed to a loving being all his past has vanished.

only mortal humans keep refreshing OLD mistakes

only mortal humans keep retaliating or punishing, what might be long time dissolved in love, forgiven in love

God made men, God made women

Anything else like homosexuality, trans-sexuality, etc. is made by mortal humans in an attempt to escape MOST essential spiritual lessons to accept self as is.

Look into a mirror at your body:

You either have a male anatomy and thus are MAN


you have a female anatomy and are a woman.

Men are made to love women

to make women happy

and to be enjoyed by women.

Women are made to love men

to make men happy.

Mutual children are gifts from God and God always to be God father to all children. Hence always present all your children to God to make God the only true home for all your children. Then and only then can all your children feel safe and feel at home in God.

For now on earth

many children never presented to God

hence many mortal humans have

– NO experience of God

– NO memories of God

because most of humans on earth NEVER ever have been at home in God,
but God has adopted in his infinitely loving heart ALL mankind

even those who never pray

even those who reject God due to lack of knowledge or lack of experience

even those who hurt others

even those who committed crimes according to mortal human rules and laws.

There is ONE God for all creation

for all stars

for all universes

visible to human eyes and beyond

That ONE God loves all

God loves you

God loves your enemies alike

God loves your EX

God loves all your children, even junkies or soldiers of fortune

God loves all your neighbors, all your friends, all your competitors

Start loving all like God and start to feel and behave here and now on earth like a member of ONE family of love.

On wrong path all steps are wrong

Sometimes you start wrong business, marriage with wrong person, wrong travel or other adventure in life.

As soon as you are aware, change ALL. Divorce, go bankruptcy or dissolve wrong business, accept full responsibility for your own wrong decisions, then restart all from scratch. Divorce peacefully without any financial settlements. Share all debts and all assets upon divorce and give freedom, part as friends rather than revenging enemies.

If in wrong job or wrong industry, leave wrong path and restart from scratch on a path of love, in a loving industry, even if it means starting from zero all the way again.

Patching and repairing damages on wrong path still maintains wrong path, just as the bailout of wrong money oriented industries on our planet will keep all wrong alive, at the expense of all humans, with an even greater collapse to come later on.

Be ready to drop all wrong in life, no matter the price, then restart all from scratch, no matter the efforts.

On path of love ALL life, all work is much more efficient and much more successful than any repairing and patching and bailout on wrong path of life.

Your greatest financial loss in life, may ultimately turn out into your greatest blessing in your life on your final trip HOME to God.

Instead of fighting the wrong or “bad”, support God and Love.
Love above all in absolutely all situations of life

Love and only love is the ONLY solution to all problems on earth and beyond for all eternity.

"Dear God Please Love me Free"

God is Love

Pray to God: “Dear God, please love me free”

And God’s love shall set you free as soon as you drop any retaliation, any revenge, any punishment.

Love all

forgive all

reconcile with all

pray to God only

and return home to God on a path of love, in a life of love.

“Spiritual Treasures – Final Edition” shared with all world for free use by Cyberspace Ashram

The “Spiritual Treasures – Final Edition” is the offline essence from the late Cyberspace Ashram website 1997 – 2012. As a gift of love from God, all spiritual teachings of love with the holy science of Kriya Yoga now are given for free use to all world.

For free use by all world, provided always forwarded as an original, whole unit, without any modification of any kind.
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Copies can be shared by any legal means. for example: from parents to offspring, among friends, at work in local LAN offline.

Currently there is one server sharing the original file md5sum e849799de5c7528c418fdaac6ba125f8 Spiritual_Treasures.tar.bz2 – Spiritual Treasures Download Server.

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Spiritual Treasures – Final Edition can only belong or be used by individual humans, never by any government, organization, authority or incorporation of any kind.

No Derivative Works: The entire work has to remain in its original form. “Spiritual Treasures – Final Edition” as a sacred gift from God shall remain as is and with the published md5sum. Use search engines to find the one original md5sum for the Spiritual_Treasures.tar.bz2. The “Spiritual Treasures – Final Edition” is intended to be shared among family members, from parents to children and grand children, among friends and neighbors and among all God seekers wishing to receive an original teachings of love.

Notice – For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work and give this full copyright terms along with all shared files Spiritual_Treasures.tar.bz2.

The same servers also distribute for free or for a honest donation the md5sum .f3021c7da53f09973e639acc72ce6ece Spiritual_Treasures_Bonus.tar.bz2 given into public domain.

The official project page with additional information on how or where to obtain original files for download or via file sharing is the Facebook page Spiritual Treasures. Some additional information and help how to handle the compressed files can be found at Cyberspace Ashram Facebook page.

Since the Spiritual Treasures are given for all mankind’s spiritual and mutual benefit, it also is all mankind’s duty now to care and redistribute all sacred teachings. Future distribution may include any efficient and legal file sharing, Bit Torrent or other means of sharing sacred teachings among mankind. A gift from God to humans, to be maintained and shared by individual humans.

Any new server sharing or methods of sharing may be announced at above Facebook page “Spiritual Treasures”.

May Divine Bliss fill your life and being

May Divine Love free you and heal your path of Love home to God

Happy life and nature – Ginkgo tree experience

Happy life and nature – a Ginkgo tree experience

Happy life consists of many ingredients – experiences we have been gathering throughout the years. Like honey-bees while making honey. Some of them are totally unique and come just once in a life time, others could be repeated again and again. But happy life, and happiness in general, are directly related to our openness for God – the more we are open for God, the more Love flows through our bodies and the greater happiness is when it occurs.

Goal and values of life

Most of us have changed their goals and values of life multiple times, during the course of years, while growing up and gaining different experiences and more wisdom. But, how many have a true goal to pursue? The overall situation on this planet now clearly shows that mankind is still far away from maturity to set a true goal in their lives and support, protect and preserve all the true values of life.

This publication consists of two parts, written by husband and wife team and showing the difference of male and female point of view on one and the same matter.

Read the Goal and Values of Life of our family


God and Love – Anything that keeps you focused on love also brings you closer to God

God and Love – Anything that keeps you focused on love also brings you closer to God

Since God is Love, the only way to find God is by increasing and improving love in your daily life. To improve and strengthen our love potential, we have to increase the total energy and efforts invested toward loving actions in our daily life.

In our world of career, title and profit thinking, it is easy to drift away from our self chosen path of love toward our eternal home in God. You got all the “tools” and teachings of love already. Up to you now to stay focused in your efforts toward God.

Just as marketing experts add distraction away from your daily life and duties to make you do a purchase of obsolete items just to increase their corporate or personal profits. God also offers simple means to keep you focused on your path of love toward home. All you need to do is to accept and efficiently use God given tools and help.

Some simple, free and yet powerful means for all those using or working regularly a computer is to have a beautiful and loving God wallpaper or love wallpaper installed on the desktop. Since roses are flowers of love, of course you also could chose a rose wallpaper instead. Another easy method is to chose your favorite God card and print a beautiful color print to be placed on the inside of your home door, or office wall or any other location you see multiple times per day. Put your positive affirmation clearly visible – best visible to all – then you have your own friends, customers and loved ones reminding you of your own principles in life.

Children of God

Basically anything and everything that keeps you focused on God or Love or loving actions always keeps you safely on your path home to God. It is your own free choice and also your own responsibility to prove your readiness to love above all else. You prove love for God and Love by many simple means in your own life. Such as:

Your own choice of work and employment or self-employment

Your employer

The industry you support with your work

Your political activities

Your sports and recreational activities chosen by you

Your friends and loved ones

Your neighborhood

Your country and culture you support

Any and all of above activities and choices you made, have the power to support you and carry you on toward a world of love home in God, or pulling you away into a world of selfish profits and shoulder padding to please your ego. The choice is and always has been yours. Hundreds of Millions have chosen a path of serving mankind, such as all humanitarian workers, medical and care giving workers, all emergency and rescue teams, all farmers and several other work groups or work categories serve day by day nothing else but the wellbeing, health and happiness of others in a most efficient, direct and loving way.

Others have chosen a path of violence, such as armed forces, law enforcement and similar services that employ violence to achieve a goal or restrict God given absolute freedom of any, many or all.

Again others have chosen career, titles, high wages, social status and similar ego-feeding jobs for personal benefits without true spiritual value or a spiritual value lesser than any possible benefit. If your helping work creates any collateral damage, then your work has zero positive value but worst results in substantial karma that you alone need to dissolve in love in any number of future reincarnations.

The choice is yours and always remains yours. There is no selfish way home to God feeding your ego and pleasing God and serving all creation all at once at the same time. Love is the only path to God and thus to learn and practice to love for a full lifetime is the only safe way to find home to God.

It never is of any value or importance how you finally share your heritage and property in your last will. Even donating all to God or charity, may make no difference to your life’s overall achievement. The only thing that matters is how you actually conducted your entire life – for God, love and mankind – or for profits and prestige and personal pleasure. The fact that you have a last will to distribute accumulated values or debts and trash, may prove that you have failed to share and clean up all while alive in your body on earth.

Eternity at home in a world of love made and maintained by God is a huge incentive for a long time. Think of the temporary values you have now on earth vs a life of love amidst loved ones forever. It appears to normal common sense that any effort would be minimal compared to the infinite benefits of a world of love.

Love and Bliss


via God and Love – Anything that keeps you focused on love also brings you closer to God.